Taxact 2016 tax return

Get a Jumpstart On Your Taxes! Maximum Refund Guaranteed. Industry-Specific Deductions. Get Every Dollar You Deserve. File Taxes From Your Home. Access IRS Tax Forms.

Complete, Edit or Print Tax Forms Instantly. Do your taxes free with TaxAct? How does a returning TaxAct customer sign in? How to print TaxAct return?

To access prior year returns , simply sign into your TaxAct account, click the My Taxes tile, and scroll to the tax year you wish to access. To begin the filing process, click the Filing tab from within your return. In the upper right corner of the page, click on the Sign In button.

Enter your Username and Password and click the Sign In button.

Scroll to the bottom of your Account Management page and click the My Taxes tile. If you need an actual copy of your tax return , they are generally available for the current tax year and as far back as six years. The fee per copy is $50. Mail your request to the IRS office listed on the form for your area.

Remember me next time. Forgot Your Password? Prior year tax returns must be mailed. Fast Customer Support. Guaranteed 1 Accurate.

TaxAct , TaxAct Express, TaxAct Express, and many more programs. Get free basic tax advice from our team of experts. Returning User Advantage.

Reach out to our customer support team and receive quality support you just don’t get with other online tax prep sites. We offer pricing packages to accommodate all tax situations. You must file a tax return if you have gross income above the limit for your filing status. A married couple filing jointly, both under age 6 must file if they had gross income of $27or more.

You don’t have forever to amend a return.

You generally have three years to amend your tax return. In cases where you paid tax after you filed your original return, you only have two years to amend. If you need to amend more than one year’s tax return, you’ll have to complete a separate amendment for each year.

You should only call if it has been: days or more since you e-filed.
