Example about us

How to write an about US? What is an About Us page? Here are five steps to writing an About Us page based on some of the things that impressed us about the examples above. Establish a mission statement.

See all full list on searchenginejournal. In the second paragraph of the text, they say: Enough talking about us – let’s concentrate on you!

And as your home on the Internet, it also needs to explain who you are to the world and why they should choose you over your competitors. This final example by Loud Noises is another example of how beneficial heavily-illustrative About Us page designs can be. However, unlike the previous example , this piece combines both type and illustrations to make a bit of a sharper design, and one that can include a bit more information.

Here’s a list of websites with great About Us pages that you can take inspiration from while creating your own. The Story Focused About Us Page – Canonical. Canonical is an example of an About Us page that tells the world their story. The main focus of their About Page is a timeline graphic that takes you back through their history and details some achievements, challenges and major dates of the company.

A Killer About Us Page. In our last post we spoke about the need to have an objective or goal for your website.

When you are ready to move beyond having a simple brochure site for your business, the first step is to decide what you want your website visitors to do and to set up the site accordingly. These pages aren’t perfect, but they communicate the story of the company and its owners, engage the consumer in a unique way, and represent the brand or personality of the company. Click the images to see the full About Us pages. Human nature dictates that we are, first and foremost, concerned with our own problems.

Blog Tyrant is a great example of a blog that is focused on its visitors. The first thing you see when you land on their about page is a video titled About Me and You. About Me” pages have a unique way of engaging and informing your visitors. An unlike other pages, this page speaks volumes about the whole blog itself as well as the blogger who runs it. This is why it’s not surprising for experienced bloggers to.

Below are examples of what you should practice and what you should avoid. Examples of Dos and Don’ts. DO AbbVie: This About Us page provides a nice company overview, including Fast Facts to give site visitors a reasonable company snapshot. It is the face of your business, the explanation of who you are and what you stand for. Your ‘ About Us ’ page.

It is probably one of the most-trafficked pages on your entire website. An all too often, it is neglecte outdate and unloved. Tumblr does a great job of making their About Us page true to brand—it’s simple, attractive and gives you all the information you need!

Bonus point: it is easily navigable.

Yellow Leaf Hammocks uses their About Us page to explain what they provide (hammocks) but also why they provide it. We provide a comprehensive range of business and consumer samples to brands and agencies throughout the world. Responsive Bootstrap About Us Page Template MEET OUR TEAM. We are all very different. We were born in different cities, at different times, we love different music, foo movies.

But we have something that unites us all. For the purposes of this answer, let’s say that you’d done your company research and found out that the Quality the company puts a lot of value in is elevated customer service. Inspirational Posts That Will Change the way you think - Web Design Inspiration.

About Me, Page is an essential part of every business website and Portfolio.
