Taxation is theft

What are the problems with taxation is theft? Is taxation by definition a form of theft? This is part of the “social contract,” which is a kind of agreement between citizens and the government, whereby the citizens agree to pay taxes and obey the laws, in return for the government’s protection. Defenders of taxation argue that the notions of both legal private property rights and theft are defined by the legal framework of the state, and thus taxation by the state does not represent a violation of property law, unless the tax itself is illegal.

We must accept that taxation is theft and should not be the primary means of providing public services in a civilized society. As part of this campaign, we are distributing the following brochures to the public as an introduction to the idea that taxation is theft.

No it’s not your money. Why taxation isn’t theft. Many political arguments start from the assumption that taxation is the government taking ‘our money’ off us. But steal, the feds do.

Stay up to date with the war on theft ! Please enter your name. Theft is the forcibly removal of capital. You cannot opt out of taxation.

Thus, taxation is a legalized form of theft. Our ancestors held wars over a tax on tea and now we allow the government to get away with income tax. Many people will vote to increase taxation so they are voluntarily giving money to the state, however they are violating the rights of those who do not want to voluntarily give money to the state for whatever issue is deemed important that year. A pardon for Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Irwin Schiff and all non-violent drug offenders - Duration: minutes, seconds. Spread the word with a comfortable tee that acts as a great converstation starter!

In fact, a sure way for a politician to be voted out is to suggest the introduction of direct taxation. Therefore, theft by one’s government should never be taken as a. Taxation Is Theft shirts. He calls for eliminating the Internal Revenue Service, ending the Federal Reserve and legalizing pineapple pizza. If taxation really was theft , then such a party would easily win a landslide and could promptly end the theft. A key element of the definition of theft is that the victim does not consent to it.

Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. The government takes away part of your income and property by force. Your payments aren’t voluntary. If you think they are, try to withhold payment and see what happens.

All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within hours. The Freedom Law School challenges anyone to find a law stating that the average American wage earner has to pay income tax.

Many people claim to have found the answer, but like any good lawyer will tell you, you have to read the fine print. The logical argument, if not the exact quote, goes back. I have never seen more clear hypocrisy. Some items that can be used to steal your identity are: An identity thief may use a stolen Social Security number to file a tax return in order to receive an illegal refund.

Identity theft can affect your current.
